Growing into Paradox

November 17, 2013
11:00 amto12:30 pm

Connie Webster will report her experience with the following workshop.

The Future of Friends: Growing into Paradox- Tom Gates

Spiritual truth often takes the form of a paradox: a statement that seems contradictory or inconsistent, but when seen from a different frame, is deeply true. Our thesis is that a vital Quakerism for the future will depend on our willingness to affirm “both / and” rather than “either / or.” Among the specifically Quaker paradoxes we might explore are the creative tensions between: individual and community; continuing revelation and tradition; witness and prayer; complacency and transformation; God as Immanent and God as Transcendent; Jesus as Son of Man and Jesus as Son of God. The workshop will encourage Friends to think more clearly and deeply about aspects of our past heritage as Friends, which in turn will help us to adapt and grow in a changing world.


1089 Simmontown Road (1/2 mile east of Rte 41), Gap, PA 17527     484-985-0454
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