Welcome to Sadsbury Friends Meeting!
We are an historic peace church who practice the Quaker faith. Silent gatherings for worship are open to all comers. Those present are invited to worship and to follow the leadings of the Spirit. When truly moved, anyone may minister.

Meeting for Worship is a time when Friends (with a capital "F") come together for reflection, thanksgiving, praise of God, prayer and/or search for direction. It may be silent, expectant waiting, or it may include the sharing of one's message.
Each experience of worship is different. There is no right way to prepare for spiritual communion, no set practice to follow. One may find thoughtful reflection and prayer helpful in stilling the mind and body and opening one's self to the Spirit. Direct communication with God may come as a leading or fresh insights not necessarily meant to be shared.
At other times, vocal ministry may come in the form of prayer, praise of God, song, teaching, or witnessing. Fellow worshipers are called upon to listen with openness. However, a completely silent Meeting for Worship can be profoundly nurturing.
Worship is ended with the shaking of hands.